Ready to Break the Pattern?

Let's face it, dating and relationships are challenging, and with the rise of dating apps and social media, it has only become even more challenging. Fortunately, this has caused many to look inward, become self reflective, and begin a deeper level of healing within. When we are unaware of how our upbringing, and past relationships are playing a major role in how we are showing up or expecting others to show. up in relationship, we can easily become frustrated with our partners, or find ourselves continually recreating similar situations that ultimately end in painful heartbreaking ways. If this sounds like you, then you are in the right place at the right time, because this course will help support you in overcoming your past relationships, bring deeper levels of awareness to your patterns in dating, identify the root of the pattern, release it, and allow you to start to see all the new and exciting ways you can show up to create new experiences with partners that are more aligned with you and your values.

Insights From This Course

"When I was in my early 20’s I didn’t even see how much I was expecting someone to give me the love I was unable to give to myself. To give me the love I really wanted from my Dad. To take care of me and make me feel safe. I didn’t even know how much of my power I was just handing over to men, expecting them to want to be in a loving committed relationship with me if they were getting involved with me. Because that’s all I ever saw, and knew, and was never shown, told, or taught anything different. I didn’t have any boys in my life growing up, no brothers, cousins, I had very few male friends, and was bullied by boys in school so I was very shy and nervous around them, and of course, I just wanted them to like me."

Example Curriculum

  Session 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 6
Available in days
days after you enroll

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