Breathe Creativity is a course for Creatives who are ready to get into alignment with their higher self and create from their soul.

We use Hypnobreathwork, a cutting edge method that uses breath work to clear energetic patterns, hypnosis to reprogram subconscious beliefs, and visioning to fire new neural pathways for sustainable behavior change. This unique formula allows you to heal unprocessed emotions from the root and take intuitive action to create the life you want.


- Dr. Henry Smith Rohrberg

Seeing The Vision

Without a destination we keep circling without seeing the intentional growth we desire. We allow our intuition, our higher self to show us the bigger vision connected to our purpose with our creativity.

Done is Better Than Perfect

What does perfection mean anyway? Free yourself from the confines of expectations, perfectionism, and proving ones self. Creativity is art, life is a game, both get messy, embrace it.

Set Your Creativity Free

Where are you still creating to be liked, or what society, or friends/family tell you is good/accepted? What's your authentic expression? We need it.

Hi, I’m Shannon Lee Whalen

Shannon is an east coast raised, turned west coast transplant.  Former dancer turned fitness enthusiast, she founded Get Inspired Fitness, LLC a residential fitness company in late 2011 which has served 15+ property management companies across the US.  A solopreneur venture left Shannon having a lot of time to manage which eventually led to exploring her own habits and behaviors.  She thought working from home running her own company was the dream, and should’ve made her happy, but she wasn’t.  She struggled with isolation, emotional eating, addiction, and unhealthy relationships. This launched her into a journey of self exploration, spirituality, and personal development like never before.  

Her curiosity and passion for human behavior, spirituality, and helping others lead her to become an executive coach, and a certified Hypnobreathwork® Coach as well after having radically transformative experiences and learning about the power of breath and the subconscious mind. 

Shannon uses Hypnobreathwork® & Mindset Coaching to support Creatives & Entrepreneurs to overcome personal and professional challenges by exploring their inner workings in order for them to dream bigger and make it their reality.  She loves facilitating transformative experiences for her clients and is dedicated to being a student of this work, life, and dance forever..